mi.http のソースコード


import json
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import aiohttp

from mi.gateway import MisskeyClientWebSocketResponse
from mi.utils import remove_dict_empty, upper_to_lower
from . import __version__, config, exception

__all__ = ('Route', 'HTTPClient')

class _MissingSentinel:
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return False

    def __bool__(self):
        return False

    def __repr__(self):
        return '...'

MISSING: Any = _MissingSentinel()

[ドキュメント]class Route: def __init__(self, method: str, path: str): self.path: str = path self.method: str = method self.url = config.i.origin_uri + path
async def json_or_text(response: aiohttp.ClientResponse): text = await response.text(encoding='utf-8') try: if 'application/json' in response.headers['Content-Type']: return json.loads(text) except KeyError: pass
[ドキュメント]class HTTPClient: def __init__(self, connector: Optional[aiohttp.BaseConnector] = None) -> None: self.connector = connector user_agent = 'Misskey Bot (https://github.com/yupix/Mi.py {0}) Python/{1[0]}.{1[1]} aiohttp/{2}' self.user_agent = user_agent.format(__version__, sys.version_info, aiohttp.__version__) self.__session: aiohttp.ClientSession = MISSING self.token: Optional[str] = None async def request(self, route: Route, **kwargs) -> Any: headers: Dict[str, str] = { 'User-Agent': self.user_agent, } is_lower = kwargs.pop('lower') if kwargs.get('lower') else False if 'json' in kwargs: headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' kwargs['json'] = kwargs.pop('json') if kwargs.get('auth') and kwargs.pop('auth'): if 'json' in kwargs or 'data' not in kwargs: key = 'json' else: key = 'data' if not kwargs.get(key): kwargs[key] = {} kwargs[key]['i'] = self.token for i in ('json', 'data'): if kwargs.get(i): kwargs[i] = remove_dict_empty(kwargs[i]) async with self.__session.request(route.method, route.url, **kwargs) as res: data = await json_or_text(res) if is_lower: if type(data) is list: data = [upper_to_lower(i) for i in data] else: data = upper_to_lower(data) errors = { 400: {"raise": exception.ClientError, "description": "Client Error"}, 401: { "raise": exception.AuthenticationError, "description": "AuthenticationError", }, 403: { "raise": exception.AuthenticationError, "description": "AuthenticationError", }, 404: { 'raise': exception.NotFoundError, 'description': 'NotFoundError' }, 418: {"raise": exception.ImAi, "description": "I'm Ai"}, 500: { "raise": exception.InternalServerError, "description": "InternalServerError", }, } if res.status in errors: error_base: Dict[str, Any] = errors[res.status] error = error_base["raise"]( f"{error_base['description']} => {data['error']['message']} \n {res.text}" ) raise error if res.status == 204: return True if 300 > res.status >= 200: return data async def static_login(self, token: str): self.token = token self.__session = aiohttp.ClientSession( connector=self.connector, ws_response_class=MisskeyClientWebSocketResponse) data = await self.request(Route('POST', '/api/i'), auth=True) return data async def ws_connect(self, url: str, *, compress: int = 0) -> Any: kwargs = { 'autoclose': False, 'max_msg_size': 0, 'timeout': 30.0, 'headers': { 'User-Agent': self.user_agent }, 'compress': compress } return await self.__session.ws_connect(url, **kwargs)